Previous incidents had proved it. Convocation, friendship, relationship, love story, eating, exercise. Each and every one of it had confirmed me as a person with a high ego.
Do I have the, the will to at least reluctantly apologize for something that I think was not a fault at all?
Not only that, that one apologize may just clean their name a bit. Yeah, maybe. Worthy, right?
So, now it come to this final battle.
My pride vs Possibility of acceptance.
Which one?
tentang apa ni iskandar?
istikharah~~dont raise your ego to cover up your pride.its no necessary...and remember acceptance doest nor mean u lose your ego...think wisely
uit bulat. hehe. ko xda pun ea masa kitorang semua konvo? ko xdatang ea tengok? aku dah tukar blog. be my follower taw!
a'a: one of my deepest disappointment is my inability to react fast in helping you.
adah: yeah aku tak g. hahahaahhaha! ok aku akan follow. hahahahahaha!
ecah: thought of that too. need time. need space. need calmness.
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