Lama dah tak tulis pasal bola. Asyik2 benda yang serius dan merapu, kali ni terasa nak tulis pasal sorang brader gigi arnab ni. Luis Suarez.
Key words- Luis Suarez. Tricky dribbler. Racist. Dive. Witch-hunt.
Who the hell is Luis Suarez?
Luis Suarez. Rabbit Guy.
Ok siapa tak kenal Luis Suarez? Pergi terjun loji Indah Water sekarang juga. Mana2 football fans yang tak kenal Suarez, memang mau kena ketuk kepala 16 kali sambil menari gangnam style. Ok, sedikit introduksi. Luis Alberto Suarez Diaz, berasal dari Uruguay. Lahir pada 24 Januari 1987 dan mula main bola cara pro kat kelab Nacional, kelab dalam Uruguay. Then, he get recruited to join Groningen (Netherland). Bertambah power, Ajax Asterdam pulak beli dia. Bila power maximum gila2, Liverpool datang dengan machonya membeli dia.
Untuk kareer international, boleh dirumuskan yang dia boleh tahan power gak. Ada 3 international competition yang dia main- World Cup 2010, Copa America 2011 dan Olympic 2012. Untuk World Cup, dia berjaya tolong besar team dia untuk menang 3rd place. Untuk Copa, dia dapat award MVP and yes Uruguay jadi champion, pukul habis Argentina dan Brazil. Untuk Olympic, kalah awal. Tak cukup power di situ.
The Controversies
Sebagai 1 of trillions of football fans in the world, tipu la kalau kata tak pernah dengar label 'Suarez Diver' ni. So, the biggest problem/label yang melekat kat dahi Suarez ni adalah tak lain dan tak bukan- he's a cheat.
I as one of millions of Liverpool fans, had to confessed that he is a diver. Sometimes he dived, sometimes he didn't. Oh one more thing I don't like about him- his over theatherical sakit nak mampus bila kena contact sikit saja. Yes contact ada, tapi dia punya guling guling guling tu....ehrmarrgerd. Macam kena combo juggle dalam Tekken.
Seriously, lawak jugak sebenarnya dia ni.
Benda yang hitam, kita sebut hitam. Putih, kita sebut putih. Yes, he dived. But people often to close their eyes when dia kena hentam siku/tackle belakang/push dari belakang/maki kaw2 padahal dia tak kata apa pun oleh opponent players (especially defenders). Banyak insiden2 atas tu terjadi, yang paling latest adalah kes time lawan Norwich yang mana dalam kotak penalty, dia kena siku kepala then kena stone-cold stunner dengan sorang defender tu. Muay-thai and wrestling combo! And satu lagi, time lawan Stoke (which is his latest dive art happened) dia juga kena pijak kat dada secara kool dan composed oleh opponent defender. Referee? Dia Suarez, dia tipu!
And so he was vilified and made as football's no.1 enemy. Pakcik FIFA nr 2 kata Suarez is a cancer to football. Konscielny pun join sekaki mengutuk suarez padahal kalau korang baca statement dia tu, it's very normal la bila striker lawan bola dengan defender. Tony Pulis branded him a cheat (dalam kes ni, agak valid), dan paling best sekali, Otai Mafia ManU branded Suarez as a football public enemy (padahal waktu tu Suarez ni baru setahun sampai England).
The Latest Dive Collection. The worst.
Maka bermula lah legasi #BlameSuarez. Bermula lah satu pemburuan ahli sihir...
The Infamous Suarez's Hand-of-God
Satu dunia mula melabel Suarez sebagai penipu/jahat/keji masa match quarter final World Cup 2010- Ghana vs Uruguay. That match, i didn't watched it. Tapi secara amnya Ghana adalah satu2nya team Afrika yang masih bertanding pada peringkat tu. So, main pun kat Afrika, of kos satu stadium (dan dunia amnya) akan support Ghana.
Pada minit extra time dah, score terikat 1-1. Ghana tengah attack gila2 punya. Satu rembatan keeper block, keeper dah jauh dari tiang gol. Suarez dan sorang teammate dia jaga gol. Dalam split second tu, bola ditanduk ke arah gol oleh sorang player Ghana. Suarez block bola tu keluar dari gol. Dengan kedua2 tangan. Macam main bola tampar. Ghana mengamuk. Stadium mengamuk. Audience semua mengamuk. Reff kasi red card kat Suarez. Ghana dapat penalty. Assamoah Gyan amik penalti, kena palang. Ghana frust menonggeng, Uruguay lega. Suarez kat tepi padang, celebrate sebab team dia selamat.
So, majority people bashed Suarez as unprofessional. Cheater. Selfish. Bad footballer. But for me, it's the different story. He is a sacrificing hero. Yes he block the ball with his hands. It's a foul, a blatant foul that demand a red card and a penalty to the opponent. And yes indeed he was red-carded and Ghanna did get a penalty. So, it's a situation that follow the rules correctly. He knew he would be sent-off. Instead, he was crying as he walked off the pitch. He knew that he had just given a little lifeline to his team and his country. And amazingly, the penalty was not in. It's a big misfortune to Ghana and vice versa, it's a big big relief to Suarez and his countrymen. That's why he celebrated like hell. As a punishment to his red card, he rightfully was not allowed to play in the semifinal, in which they lost to Netherlands by 3-2. Pundits said that Uruguay lacked the tricky skills and gameplay from Suarez during that lost. End of story.
So, what's the big deal with that handball?
Kawan2, cuba letak diri anda pada situasi tu. Ok la, Malaysia lawan Ghana time tu. Skor 1-1. Bola atas kepala anda, sikit lagi nak masuk gol. Korang rasa korang akan tunduk bawah, pasrah sambil bermonolog "OMG bola nak masuk! Kepala tak sampai! Block dengan tangan! eh tak boleh! foul, nanti orang kutuk aku! Nanti aku kena brand cheater selamanya!" ? Saya pasti, waktu tu cuma ada "win at all cost".
So, i feel disgusted at these commentators/viewers in these videos which slated him heavily because of his handball action. Yes it's a bad thing and poor Ghana but guys, put yourself in both situation then only you can see it in bigger picture.
So, dengan kes World Cup dan serial diver label yang dia dapat melekat kat dahi dia, hidupnya di Liverpool sentiasa panas dengan media. Media really loves this guy. He is the lubuk emas. Want to sell more copies? Print stories about Suarez! Want to get more views online? Put Suarez as the headline!
And the worst off all the labels, is racist. All thanks to Patrice Evra of ManU. Lots of debates had been done..but for me, he just say the Negrito words in a different cultural meaning. Senang cerita, it's no big deal for him yang membesar kat tempat lain, but it was blown to proportion by Evra. And thus Ferguson slated him, the media started bashing him... I don't believe in Evra. Dia sendiri ada rekod buat cerita kononnya Chelsea staff serang/kutuk dia waktu satu match kat Stamford Bridge dulu, then baru tahu itu semua tuduhan rekaan dia saja. Lagi satu, dia juga kepala kepada player France yang mogok time World Cup 2010. Finally, tengok la video ni. Kalau dia betul2 innocent and mangsa, tak perlu untuk dia provok teruk.
Oh satu comment yang best. "Evra is a fucking cunt. First off he accuses Suarez of racism for using a non racist word, and lies about the amount of times he used it. If he wasn't a spineless coward he would have a quiet word with Luis after the game, or a word with Gerrard. Then, after he got Suarez banned for 8 games he has the audacity to lower his hand as Suarez walks past, Suarez may or may not have shook it, but it was lowered anyway, then he grabs Suarez' arm to accuse him!!! Scum, Manc cunt."
Lepas bicara dengan FA, dia kena denda 40k dan 8 matches. 8 matches tu. Gila babi punya banyak. Kes yang tak ada bukti, just dengar keterangan dari Evra saja. Fuh dahsyat. But it didn't end there..
Who's Racist Now?
Timbul lagi satu kes...Terry kutuk Anton Ferdinand dengan perkataan 'black cunt'. Natijahnya, black cunt adalah lagi teruk maknanya dari negrito. Setelah kes dipanjangkan selama setahun lebih...dengan membuatkan team england tak harmoni dalamannya...baru dijatuhkan hukuman. 80k dan 4 game. 4 game sahaja! Walaupun evidence video ada. Oh yeah he's English, he's captain of England...
Media? Tak label dia seteruk Suarez. Bukti? Gambar ini pun dah cukup. See the bias there.
Spot the bias.
Dalam EPL sekarang, selain dari Suarez ada ramai lagi diver. Bale, Young, Wellbeck, but why always Suarez? Yeah he's not english...he's a foreigner...
Sekadar renungan. David Gill, a member of FA board, juga adalah chief executive bagi ManU. So, can figure out sendiri kot why all the witch hunt against Suarez, why Fergie always get special treatment, why some referees are mysteriously being excluded from refereeing ManU matches, why ManU players always seem to get off from any disciplinary actions-media bashing.
Just Walk On!
Apapun, konklusi yang boleh dibuat adalah...
1. Suarez memang sometimes dive dan exagerated foul. Tapi where the equal treatment gone, i don't know.
2. Suarez is one bendul/jujur player. He did whatever needed to do for his country and club.
3. Media di England adalah sangat bias, dan rasis sebenarnya. Termasuk dengan FA sekali.
4. ManU ada orang dalam kat FA. So, any scheming is not impossible.
David Gill. The mole inside FA.
Untuk Liverpool, Suarez is the best and enigmatic striker. Sometimes he's just lacklustre, but most of the times he is the magician. Kadang2 bodoh, peluang senang tak nak gol tapi peluang imposibru pulak yang gol. Kami fans Liverpool sangat2 bersyukur ada dia dalam team. Team yang sedia terkebelakang, hanya berharap pada Suarez dan Gerrard untuk do anything extraordinary.
Long Live Liverpool! Yenuwa!

celah mana lahir tahun 2007,muda gila..haha
yg game lwn ghana tu aku tgk. mmg NAKHAROM terang2 dia block bola tu..da lama barut taw suarez rupanya yg block..haha
not a soccer fan but based on my observation its clear there's a lot of fabrication of suarez racism incident. Through observation i can see the bias-ness of British media upon this issues and yet the way they treated this issue is un-FUCKING-believable
btw nice article karoi and keep blogging
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