Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Story Behind

Saya yakin kamu semua ada lagu2 kegemaran masing2.

Tapi sedarkah, lagu juga adalah medium untuk berdakwah? Bukan setakat lagu nasyid dan zikir sahaja?

Lagu rock boleh berdakwah? Lagu pop boleh berdakwah?

Yes sir. Anything as long as it has messages contain in it.

Question: Ever heard of a 90's Britpop band named Pulp?

They are what I'm going to focus on next in my writing. Because their songs are so powerful, able to reach out to every audience. And they spread good messages through their songs too.

One example song, as a beginning. Hear this, Help the Aged.

1 comment:

Pawi said...

Hehehe... Time lagu nie mula keluar Kandar kecik lagi. Tp personally lagi paling dakwah adalah lagu Marilyn Manson tajuk Nobody dari album Holywood. Hehehee...


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