Thursday, December 20, 2012


We tend to have groups of friends. We take one simple example- a student in a university. Normally he will have groups of friends. Group A is football group. Group B is gamelan group. Group C is asrama group. Group D is coursemates group. Understandably he will have 'group preference'. What does it means? It means that he will more likely spend more time with one (or two) of those groups. The reasons are personal- those groups may be more funnier, or more hang-outs activity, or more serious and future-benefits, or whatsoever.

But in times of happiness and enjoyment, one tends to do mistakes. No matter how boring, how unproductive, how rubbish the group is he should never leaves the group. Be it intentionally or unintentional. Unintentional? How it could happen?

Well...he get immersed in one group for too much time and he started to turn down other groups activities invitations. Let me give you one simple example. 

Abu suka/rapat dengan group main bola dia. Almost hari2 Abu akan lepak dengan group main bola dia. Pergi makan, pergi karok, pergi tengok wayang, selalunya dengan group bola dia. Then occasionally seminggu dua tiga kali group gamelan dia akan ajak keluar makan, ajak lepak tengok bola. Tapi memandangkan at the same time group bola dia memang ada plan nak keluar, maka Abu tolak ajakan group gamelan tu. 

Group gamelan tu akan ajak untuk sekali. Then minggu depan ajak lagi. Then 2 minggu kedepan ajak lagi. Then bulan depan ajak lagi. Then tak ajak dah. Forever.

Can't blame group gamelan for not ajak-ing Abu again. Why waste energy (and money) to ajak him again if past record showing he 99% doesn't care about them?

And thus Abu had lost one of his 4 groups that he used to have.

Jadi pengajaran di sini, hendaklah kita menjaga silaturrahim antara kita dan rakan2 kita. Jangan dibiarkan lama tak contact. Yang penting sekali, jangan terlalu kerap menolak pelawaan kawan2 kita yang ikhlas nak bersama/bersosial/berukhwah dengan kita, biar sesibuk mana pun. Kerana sekali mereka makan hati, sekali mereka fed-up dengan kita, susah sudah untuk kita kembali.

And losing friends is not a good thing. You may suffer, when the time comes.

You may ask, why I take the pain to write this? 

Because I myself had done this mistake and I have no desire to enjoy seeing my friends doing this mistake.


N.W.I said...

gamelan pulak...=.=''
anyway, benda tu terjadi kat semua aku rasa. tanpa niat. aku sendiri pun pernah buat.
susah la bila dah melekat kat satu group/person,kita selesa dgn yg tu, buat dgn yg tu tbe2 nk pergi yg lain, bukan tak suka, just preferable kita bukan yg the other group. cant be help bro.

say- O said...

NWI: yeah i know. that's why aku tulis sini, sebagai peringatan. kena balance kan sikit, jangan terlalu ke arah satu group saja. sekarang ok lagi, nanti lama2 baru rasa ruginya.


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