Friday, April 20, 2012

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, there was one happy community.

Komuniti itu tidaklah besar. Orangnya tidaklah ramai. Perangai dan sikap setiap orang pula lain2. Ada yang alim, ada yang syaitan, ada yang biasa2. Ada yang suka bercakap lepas, ada yang berlapik. Ada yang tegas, ada yang lemah lembut. Ada yang garang, ada yang baik. Ada yang ambil berat, ada yang abaikan saja. Pelbagai.

Mereka hidup bersama dalam keadaan yang tenang dan ceria. Selalu bersama dalam pelbagai benda. Makan bersama, bersukan bersama, beriadah bersama.

Bekerja bersama.

Bersusah bersama.

Bersenang bersama.

Bergembira bersama.

Bersedih bersama.

It all went smooth and alright for quite a long time.

But it didn't last.

One fateful event happened, one of it's member had been backstabbed by another member. From there on, things had never went cheerish and smooth. Doubts clouded every decision. Insecurity engulf every person in the community. Working together was never as satisfactory as before.

From one abyss, the community fell into another.

Sebagai satu komuniti yang ahlinya dari adam dan hawa, so with it happened the intimacy and love stories among them. Some were success, some hit the wall. Some problems were related to the relations, some were just free from it. Nevertheless, all were resolved in good manner. Kudos to those who brave and have high moral awareness in solving those problems.

However, sejarah itu berulang. Dan kadang- kadang ia berulang dengan lebih dahsyat.

Masalah yang sama berlaku. Maka seorang insan bernama Garrus ini terasa tidak sedap hati. Kalau dulu ada tok penghulu yang selesaikan masalah. Tapi itu dulu. Sekarang tuk penghulu sudah lesap meninggalkan komuniti ini demi bertapa mencari ketenangan diri. Ini tak boleh jadi.

"I have to do something. I have to repair this."

Maka Garrus berusaha menebalkan muka, menghabiskan masa mencari maklumat dan penyelesaian untuk masalah dalam komuniti itu. Garrus tahu, yang usahanya ini tidak akan disukai oleh semua ahli komuniti itu. Pasti ada yang terkecil hati. Pasti ada yang terasa. Tetapi Garrus persetankan semua itu.

Maka usaha Garrus berhasil. Tiada lagi pergaduhan. Tiada lagi salah faham. For now.

Seperti yang dijangkakan. Tidak semua yang suka. Ada yang kata Garrus terlalu keras. Terlalu direct. Terlalu penyibuk. Tetapi Garrus tidak kisah. Dia sanggup terima. All actions have their very own consequences.

And so Garrus decided. He no longer need to care much bout this community. For he is an old man in that community. He did realized that at times old people need to step down and lay low a bit. Especially when the time has come.

'Especially when the time has come'

To be honest, Garrus sendiri tidak tahu bilakah sebenarnya 'time' itu muncul. Ada masanya, dia merasakan it's time to go. Let them learn and manage themselve. But, as he let it be, it become worse as time passes by. Garrus sedar, yang dirinya cumalah orang tua biasa tiada superpower pun. Ramai lagi rakan2 dia yang lagi super. Kaidan, Ashley, Jacob, James, Mordin, Wreav are all great elders in the community. But he felt he need to move, because he can't wait for them as they are busy with other things that may defy them from these happenings in the community. Tapi...itulah.

Dengan itu Garrus decided to step back and wish them all the best.

But the best didn't happened. It became worsen.

And now, some of them in the community had put the blame on him for almost all the problems that happened. "

"Garrus awak ni perbesarkan hal kecik la"

"Garrus yang mula ajak2 buat semua ni. Kita ni atas dasar kerja, bukan bergembira"

And to some extent, they even degraded Garrus to the level of immoral bastard who doesn't deserve a soulmate. Since Garrus is outspoken, too open minded and talk dirty, so it is a danger to every human being to befriend with Garrus, let alone be his lover, they said.

Such a shocking news to Garrus, that he himself felt so flat and wasted. Such a string of strong accusations had been thrown to him, just because of his outspoken and maybe to their eyes- vulgar way of Garrus. Garrus knew that not a single person in this world is perfect. He surely has weaknesses and bad points. And he is improving himself. He knew it will be a long battle, but he keep on going. Still, he had already asked for teguran. He knew he ain't angel. He surely had done mistakes. Yet they didn't gave him one.


Dengan ini hati Garrus terasa separa lega. Tiada lagi yang perlu dijaga. Tiada lagi yang perlu dipertahankan lagi. The final nail to the coffin had been put on. Dengan jangka hayatnya yang sudah uzur dan singkat, Garrus faham yang masanya sudah tiba. It's time to let go.

It's time for a rest.

Separuh lagi hati?

Terasa sedih. Kecewa.



~**Raw Honey**~ said...

wohohh ~ nice storyline, awk dah boleh jadi writer lo ~
*hope Garrus can have better old days lo..Gambateh Garrus!*

say- O said...

terima kasih pada fixi dan epic of hang tuah. Mereka sifu saya.

boleh guna untuk ICAF. sila2.

Ismeth Azril bin Shamsuddin said...

aku nk watak jacob..macam awesome ja.


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