Satu hari ketika sedang berjalan2 bersama2 dia di Mines shopping mall kesayanganku, tiba2 dia tanya "Show me your future financial plan"
I was like... =.="
Ini semua berpunca dengan harga tiket wayang yang kena bayar lebih sket. Maka, dia pun marah and bebel. "Bla3~ Mahal~ Bazir~ Simpan la duit~~tak mati pun~~bla3"
At that time, i was like....

Tak apa, sebenarnya ada betul juga apa yang dia kata. Apapun, what struck me the most is the term 'future financial planning'.
To be honest, I never had one of it. Not even once in my life I had thought about it. Never. So to be asked of it in the heat of words quite startling.
Seingat saya, saya tak pandai planning hidup jangka masa panjang. Like...."in 10 years where would you be?" Of that, I don't have clear answers. Atau itu mungkin terlalu advance. "Nanti grad nak kerja apa?" Again, senyum indah penuh makna saja yang saya mampu beri. My weakness, i'm working on it.
Ada sekali tu, my eldest brother ada sembang2 dengan saya. Dia ada kata, "abang masa belajar dulu ada buat part time, simpan duit hasil gaji tu n ptptn sket2. bila mula kerja, terus boleh guna duit simpanan tu untuk bayar duit muka kereta."
To be honest, I never had one of it. Not even once in my life I had thought about it. Never. So to be asked of it in the heat of words quite startling.
Seingat saya, saya tak pandai planning hidup jangka masa panjang. Like...."in 10 years where would you be?" Of that, I don't have clear answers. Atau itu mungkin terlalu advance. "Nanti grad nak kerja apa?" Again, senyum indah penuh makna saja yang saya mampu beri. My weakness, i'm working on it.
Ada sekali tu, my eldest brother ada sembang2 dengan saya. Dia ada kata, "abang masa belajar dulu ada buat part time, simpan duit hasil gaji tu n ptptn sket2. bila mula kerja, terus boleh guna duit simpanan tu untuk bayar duit muka kereta."
Saya rasa, diri saya ini sangat kerdil dalam pengurusan kewangan. If to label me as a super saving Saving? no. Normal? Boros? Super boros? I don't know. At times I really cut my spending, and there were times too where I spend as much as I want. Such a complex isn't it? Haha..
Well admittedly I had done some stupid mistakes throughout the past 4 years. The most memorable is malas/tangguh untuk tukar minyak hitam motor, last2 kena bayar RM800 untuk overhaul balik semua enjin dalam motor tu. Bangang sungguh.
Ada juga lagi satu. Bila jogging saya akan sambil dengar mp3. Yang cuainya, mp3 tu just pegang kat tapak tangan saja tanpa sebarang lapik. Lama kelamaan rosak lah mp3 tu. Beli mp3 baru pulak. Nasib baik time tu usianya dah hampir 3 tahun. Apapun, masih RUGI.
Some of my money also dried up caused by my aging computer. Suddenly the motherboard went silent, the graphic card went burnt, the RAM went into hiding, bla3~~ and it cost money.
And of my weakness (according to her), I am too kind hearted and like to belanja orang makan. Of this I agree, since there were numerous times I did it. Though it absolutely cause money, but I didn't regret it. I payung orang makan only when the time is right, I can afford it and surely, I payung untuk orang2 yang I sayang saja.
But she still said that it was unnecessary and wasteful =_="
Maybe she's right.
For me, it is a relative question. Untuk golongan kaya2 anak datok, spending RM15 weekly for movies maybe for them, like lima kupang saja. Untuk setengah orang, satu meal lunch RM6 is expensive enough. Some are okay, even go as far as RM10. For some people, weekly activities of karaoke and wayang is normal, but for most it is money-down-the-drain activities. In all...everything is just relative. Make sure it is affordable, and you won't be begging for money at the end.
Because I have friends who spend and enjoy-joli-hura2 as much as they want and end up with very limited money leftover at the end of semester. Masa tu, mula lah bermaggi, ber-pinjam pinjaman, bertelefon telefonan parent di rumah.
Syukur pada Allah, sebab saya tak pernah kering duit. Sekurang2nya mesti ada simpanan dalam akaun. To say i'm not a spender is a bit misleading. I spend, but I know the limit. Yes there is one important variable I think-my parents. They always ask me whether I got money or not, and sometimes they just bank in some money into my account. I am a very lucky boy because I know not everyone have that same chance as mine. Thank you abah, mak.
So, untuk my last semester here I plan to have a plan. At least a plan on how will I spend my last God-given money ni. In recent times, I had managed to keraskan hati and tak layan kerenah hati untuk berbelanja boros dan belanja orang makan. Ini last chance, I want to make it a successful one in term of money planning.
Akhir kata, bismillahirrahmanirrahim... May Allah guides me.
Well admittedly I had done some stupid mistakes throughout the past 4 years. The most memorable is malas/tangguh untuk tukar minyak hitam motor, last2 kena bayar RM800 untuk overhaul balik semua enjin dalam motor tu. Bangang sungguh.
Masih utuh membantu tuannya
Ada juga lagi satu. Bila jogging saya akan sambil dengar mp3. Yang cuainya, mp3 tu just pegang kat tapak tangan saja tanpa sebarang lapik. Lama kelamaan rosak lah mp3 tu. Beli mp3 baru pulak. Nasib baik time tu usianya dah hampir 3 tahun. Apapun, masih RUGI.
Some of my money also dried up caused by my aging computer. Suddenly the motherboard went silent, the graphic card went burnt, the RAM went into hiding, bla3~~ and it cost money.
And of my weakness (according to her), I am too kind hearted and like to belanja orang makan. Of this I agree, since there were numerous times I did it. Though it absolutely cause money, but I didn't regret it. I payung orang makan only when the time is right, I can afford it and surely, I payung untuk orang2 yang I sayang saja.
But she still said that it was unnecessary and wasteful =_="
Maybe she's right.
For me, it is a relative question. Untuk golongan kaya2 anak datok, spending RM15 weekly for movies maybe for them, like lima kupang saja. Untuk setengah orang, satu meal lunch RM6 is expensive enough. Some are okay, even go as far as RM10. For some people, weekly activities of karaoke and wayang is normal, but for most it is money-down-the-drain activities. In all...everything is just relative. Make sure it is affordable, and you won't be begging for money at the end.
Because I have friends who spend and enjoy-joli-hura2 as much as they want and end up with very limited money leftover at the end of semester. Masa tu, mula lah bermaggi, ber-pinjam pinjaman, bertelefon telefonan parent di rumah.
Syukur pada Allah, sebab saya tak pernah kering duit. Sekurang2nya mesti ada simpanan dalam akaun. To say i'm not a spender is a bit misleading. I spend, but I know the limit. Yes there is one important variable I think-my parents. They always ask me whether I got money or not, and sometimes they just bank in some money into my account. I am a very lucky boy because I know not everyone have that same chance as mine. Thank you abah, mak.
So, untuk my last semester here I plan to have a plan. At least a plan on how will I spend my last God-given money ni. In recent times, I had managed to keraskan hati and tak layan kerenah hati untuk berbelanja boros dan belanja orang makan. Ini last chance, I want to make it a successful one in term of money planning.
Akhir kata, bismillahirrahmanirrahim... May Allah guides me.
Ommo~ she sound so harsh. But she just worry bout you right? Worry that you might end up just like other ppl who dont have single penny at the end of semester. Save some money and buy yourself a graduation present.Well, try your best la ya ! I believe you can do it! Fighting !
Hmmmm.. Rasa macam nak bagi ceramah pun ada nie.. Tp tak paa... Lain kali..
But anyway, kejayaan sesorang tu bergantung macam mana dia forecast future dan act upon it. Kalu forecast pun tak ble forever dia akan jadi slave dalam life dia.
Kita kena jimat. Bukan kedekut. But part of jimat is also behave like kedekut. Macam abg, semua member pakai smart phone. Even staff abg pun pakai smart phone. Abg je pakai Sony E beli RM450. Why? Perlu ke smart phone? Org lain buat lawak pun kita tumpang enjoy gelak lawak tu. Bukan guna utk keje sgt pun. Stakat FB dan email selebihnya game.. Tu sgt tak produktif.
Nafsu makan pun kena jaga. Abg dulu time bulan posa, 10 sen pun tak pakai time tahun 1 dulu tau. Buka posa kat masjid, Sahur amik lauk balance masjid. Ada org gelak. At the end dia hutang abg bersama value bunga (kos perkhidmatan). Hahahaa.. Tahun seterusnya pun sama. Paling kuat RM20-30 hinggit ja. Mind set ja. FYI, lunch abg tak ble lebih RM2.00 dulu. Only special occasion je makan lebih RM2.00.
Abg dulu bukan apa, malu nak minta kat parents duit. Biasalah, dasar pendekar pedang @ dasar samurai spirit. Tp bila depa offer tak penah tolak.
At the end, balance PTPTN tu guna bayar down payment Kelisa Shadow Moon.
Like it not, financial planning sgt penting. Kalu tak karang hidup atas hutang. Yg tu nanti kita story...
awi: bezanya mungkin sebab kandar dapat jpa, awi dapat ptptn. plus awi adalah first ronin yang mengembara, struggle dia of kos dasyat lagi. banyak variables rasanya, tapi apapun awi lagi dasyat la ronin tu.
kandar pun tak beli henpon mahai2, kasut mahai2, baju mahai2.semua baju n kasut adalah ihsan besar abah dan awi, hehe.yang mahai cuma komputer, haha~ tapi kalau makan sekarang ni paling kurang pun rm2.itu pun satu kedai je, yang lain rm3.
anyway, satu benda yang kandar silap adalah 5 sem lepas takda planning untuk saving sket jpa tu. lambat feeling tu datang, honestly terasa rugi.
raw honey: yeah hwaiting! haha, don't worry, ihe won't be like that. kali ni cuba nak saving. mohon guidance dari sifu!haha~
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